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Waiata, Art & Zines!

The Tauranga Arts Festival hits town soon so make sure you’ve booked tickets! There are also lots
of free events, so here’s a taste: Waiata Mai (28 October) is a joyous community singalong at the waterfront; at Tauranga Zinefest (22 October), you can explore the diverse world of zines; and in Te Whakaata i Te Matapihi: Glimpses (29 October) local rangatahi explore our city’s museum collection (pictured, left). A Seat at the Table, an art installation in the CBD, attempts to rebalance the voices at the dinner table of contemporary fine art, giving space to diverse artforms and lesser known artists in our community, including works by Tracy Keith, Nephi Tupaea, Elliot Mason, Devyn Ormsby and more. Everyone’s invited to this dinner party!

Tauranga Arts Festival runs 19–29 October taurangafestival.co.nz