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Bringing Sexy Back

Christine Deacon was living in Vancouver when she went to her first Heels dance course, which involves dancing to modern music wearing heels. ”I felt really awkward at first, as it’s a very sensual style,” she recalls. She stuck with it as the music, company and teacher were great and, in time, ended up in a performance group. Christine says the confidence gained from Heels has flowed through her whole life. Moving to the Bay, she found herself dancing alone so she put a call out for people to join her on the Mount Maunganui Noticeboard Facebook. She was amazed to get 100 responses overnight: "I think it's an indication that people here really want to express themselves." She now runs classes at Bay Heels. Less than half the dancers wear heels — trainers are absolutely fine, and she stresses that no dancing experience is needed and all body types are celebrated!
